Having some issues with my H100i V2 right now...

I probably already know the answer to this, but I was just wanting to see if anyone else has had some personal experience with this.

Basically, I bought a secondhand H100i V2 and it worked perfectly for a few months and all of a sudden today the fans rev up like crazy on the radiator and my computer says CPU temps are hitting 85C, so I quickly shut my computer off. After a few hours I unplugged the computer and unplugged the power cable from the H100 out of the PSU to see if it could power cycle it or something.

If it's worth mentioning, earlier only ONE of the tubes was hot to the touch, the other was cold (or normal temp).

I have an H100i V2, i5 7600k, Asus Strix Z210i, 1080ti, Corsair 250D, EVGA 500w G2 psu.

If you guys need any further info, please let me know. I just want to see if there's a part I can replace that's easy or if I just need to look into getting a new one.

ALSO, will other versions of the corsair closed loop coolers use the same mount? So like the H80 or GTX version or something along those lines? I really don't want to have to use a completely different mound because I built this PC in a 250D so I don't have much room to work with at all and it's a total bitch to access the bottom of the motherboad.

Thank you for any and all help!

Submitted October 30, 2017 at 05:46AM by radbrad7 http://ift.tt/2zWJOGV


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