HELP ME FIX MY PC PLEASE!!!!!! Power Issue.

Hello all and thanks for clicking on my post.

So I am having a problem with my PC, I have attached a link to my pcpartpicker where you can see the specs of my PC.

So I recently had my CPU overclocked and then I changed all the settings back to default and then I noticed I was having an issue where my computer would start up and be fine for about 5 mins, then it just powers off completely, so I power it back on and I log in and it shuts off right away this time, then I power it up and it posts and then shuts off before I can even log on, this goes on about 10 more times of powering it on and it shutting off right away, and then all of a sudden it's fine and I can log in and use my computer like there is no issue and it won't power off until I shut it down.

It will post and I am able to get into the BIOS but it will also power off on me sometimes when in the BIOS.

My system was working fine, then I overclocked it and it was still fine and then I didn't want it overclocked to I put it to stock settings.

If you have any suggestions feel free to voice your opinion.

I do not believe it's my power supply because it will eventually work after multiples power down cycles (unless its a faulty power supply) and I don't think its a windows issue or a software on my PC because it will power off before windows even has a chance to boot.

Submitted October 30, 2017 at 11:41PM by colinj14


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