Anybody want to try to help a chemist out?
If you know this kind of code or understand this info in the link tell me anything you can about it, the connection type is "rs-232c" port connection; GC-2010; AOC-20i; windows XP
Manual's section on external control:
Hello! so we have a Gas chromatograph, its basically a tool that separates out samples so that we can identify whats in them. being that its a $20,000 piece of equipment of course its annoyingly hard to operate. there are settings on the thing that we call "f settings" (short for function settings) which are accesible in a reasonable way only if you use an old school "chromatopac" which is basically a DOS operated PC. because were running it using a workstation with windows XP the f settings have to be changed by hand, meaning we push a button 84 times to get to setting f84 push enter then it displays a number which we check against our known working values for that setting and push enter again and then repeat that 264 times until we have verified that all f settings are correct. its a horrible truly aweful. so please help me to figure out how i can go about getting started on writing a script to display all these settings. I cant even tell what language its telling me to script in, if you read through all this thank you!
Submitted October 31, 2017 at 03:31AM by magnadox
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