Video Card Failing?? RX 480 8gb
I recently built my first PC back in January, so forgive me for my lack of knowledge and terminology. I'm experiencing strange display bugs on my desktop and during games. For example, if I mouse over desktop icons, my entire screen gives a little shake or shudder. Also, while in many programs, Word or Excel for example, if I open up menu windows, many of the options are invisible, and won't become visible unless I scroll over them. These menus also have random lines or colors that clearly don't belong.
When I disable my GPU, and use the integrated GPU on the motherboard, these desktop bugs stop occurring.
On the gaming side, when I play something like DOOM, I get random polygons on surfaces flashing (artifacting???) when I move about the game.
I have a RX 480 8gb, with an i5 6500, Asus monitor 60hz.
Submitted July 31, 2017 at 06:17PM by renob111
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