My elderly mother urinated on her bed and run-off made it's way to her laptop. I'm trying to fix it or recover the data on it. Please help!

It is embarrassing to note the liquid that made its way into the laptop, but I figured I might as well tell the truth since it's not exactly a clean liquid.

The way she described it to me is that only a little run-off went into the laptop. She tried turning the computer on and even though the power light comes on (and 3 out of the 4 lights near the trackpad) the screen doesn't. If knowing what lights comes on will help the diagnosis process I will call her ASAP and find out. Likewise, if any video or pictures will help please let me know and I will get them to you.

I instructed her to place the whole unit in rice to dry it, but even after a few days there is no change. The screen remains black/off.

If there is no way to save the laptop/switch the screen, then is it possible to get the pictures, videos, and passwords saved on it? The hard drive was 500GB so I used it as my mom's phone back up every time it got full, which is now in hindsight a bad idea.

Please let me know if there is anything I can give you guys that will help you help me.

Thank you for your help.

Submitted July 30, 2017 at 04:17PM by IThinkImCraze


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