Took plugs out of SSD, won't boot properly anymore (Windows 10)

I took the plugs out of my SSD to try and fix a different problem (infinite automatic repair/diagnosing PC loop) because I read online about the wires possibly coming loose and now that I took out the SATA cable and cable connected to the motherboard it does not boot properly.

After turning it on, my motherboard displays and then a text reading "MBR Error 1 Press any key to boot from floppy..."

I do have a work around but it is a nuisance, when it boots I press f12 to go to my BIOS and click the correct boot SSD which then in turn takes me back to the infinite loops of repairing/diagnosing.

I tried to make my SSD my primary boot device through the BIOS but there is no option for it, there are only 2 options (SATA SM: ... and SATA PM: ...) in which neither are my SSD.

Ideally I would like to fix both problems, the SSD booting properly and the infinite loop, but I would not mind just having the infinite loop fixed so I could actually use my PC just by picking my SSD after each boot up, which is only a small nuisance.

The PC worked fine yesterday after returning from a trip but then blue screened after a few hours.



-GTX 970

-16gb DDR3 RAM

-Gigabyte GA-H61M-S2PV(motherboard)

-ADATA 120GB S510 SSD (OS on this)

-OCZ 120GB ARC 100 SSD


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 03:12AM by Idk_what_my_user_is


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