Components need protection from freezing?

I'm about to install an invisible fence for our two Labs. It's a PetSafe basic fence model, with an extra roll of boundary wire.

When I looked at the instructions more carefully, the manual says to to protect the power unit and transmitter from weather and freezing. Freezing? There is no LCD, or liquid components. What difference could that possibly make? This is kind of a problem, as I set up with the intention of installing the units in our auxillary well pit. It's got a grounded outlet, is protected from weather (insulated wooden lid), and is located relatively near a property boundary; but it's not protected from freezing in the winter.

I also have a garage, but it's not attached, and not protected from freezing either. Same with the old shed in the back (that doesn't have electric either).

How necessary it's this? Anyone have any experience here?

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 08:58PM by AdultEnuretic


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