Symantec gave me a malware warning and then I had a pop up from microsoft, now some websites are lagging

I've had my current computer for almost a year now and it's held up pretty well. It's given me no trouble thus far. Some time ago I purchased Symantec for $300. Now into my issue:

I was away from my computer for about an hour and a half. I had Youtube open and the only other tabs open were Tumblr and maybe Facebook. When I went back to my computer, I immediately got a pop up from Symantec saying they detected "pornographic malware" and that they were blocking the malware ip for x seconds. Immediately after I got a pop up from Microsoft telling me to contact Microsoft support etc etc.

Now I'm no stranger to looking up porn on my computer but typically all my porn viewing comes from Reddit and Tumblr. The only time I access a straight up porn website is on my iPhone.

I'm running a full scan with Symantec right now, but in the mean time, some of my websites are being very laggy and strange. I'm not sure if this is the result of a virus or something completely unrelated. Granted, my desktop is due for a cleaning, but the timing of it is concerning.

Here's my specs.

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 09:04AM by SolidMiddle


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