Android won't lock, receive calls, open Internet Browser anymore amongst various probably connected issues that occurred all at once.

Summary of issues/TL;DR:

  • Biggest issue, I can't receive any calls, but I can make them. The other person just gets passed to voicemail, and I get a "missed call" message.

  • Phone won't lock, Screen will turn off, but it won't go to the lock screen after turning it on. Settings are all correct.

  • No Notifications. I hear them and my phone vibrates, but nothing shows up in the notification bar.

  • Can't access the Quick Access (hah...) settings in the notification drop down. (Drop down menu is basically blank.)

  • Physical Home button and Options button don't respond, Back button still works.

  • Can't access developer options, it says unavailable for this user.

My phone is an M4 SS1060, android ver. 4.2.2.

These issues happened all at once a month back, I don't even know if it was after a restart or if they just appeared while using it. I don't really download anything on my phone so it shouldn't be malware, but I'm willing to check if it could be.

I have a PIN lock set to my phone, but when I turn off my phone (just pressing the power button to lock it) it just shuts off the screen like norma, but once I turn it back on, when I should be prompted to my main screen where I put in the pin, instead, I am already inside the device as if I already put the pin in. When I receive a notification, it doesn't pop up or show, it vibrates/makes a noise, but doesn't pop up for anything. When I swipe down from the top it always says no notifications, and I cant swipe down more to access the settings like brightness and flashlight, I have to go into my settings to do so. Etc, etc...

I've been looking online for anyone else that has had this problem, and apart from the various "Just reset" answers (I don't really want to reset apart from a last resort), the only answer I could find was here:

--NO RESET NEEDED in this case--

Hey guys!

I've got a Moto G2, main problems I had:

  • phone didn't lock
  • the notifications didn't appear anywhere, I could just hear the sound - occasionally
  • there was nothing on the drop down menu - no notifications and no other options like 'airplane mode' etc
  • last but not least, I couldn't receive any calls (could receive messages though)

So, after surfing the web in many different forums (where it appeared that Factory Reset was the only solution), I bumped into this magic tip which saved me WITHOUT HAVING TO DO ANY RESET whatsoever!

First switch to Safe Mode (while the phone is switched on): Press Power button and Long press 'Power off' on the popup menu --> Choose 'ok' on the popup window with title 'Reboot to Safe Mode' --> go to Settings --> Users --> Choose 'Guest' and everything starts working fine on the guest account. Then switch back to your account, turn the phone off and on again (this is needed to restore the applications that were disabled when we reboot into safe mode) and that's about it!

Here's a short video of how to enter and exit the Safe mode step by step:>

Hope this helps as it helped me (after struggling for days with this little device of satan! )

So my problem with this is, the "Users" settings on my phone is in the Quick Access menu, which I can't access now. Can't find it anywhere else on my phone.

Anyone know of a way to fix these issues? People tell me to send it in for repair, but I'm sure the shop will just make me to pay for a reset. It'd be a huge help, thanks!

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 02:32AM by FlamingNinjaCat


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