My PC restarts randomly. Happens once every 1 ~ 2 weeks.

Operating System

Windows 10

Computer Specs (PSU, GPU, CPU, RAM, Motherboard)

PSU: EVGA G2 GPU: 980 TiCPU: i7-2600KMotherboard: P8P67 PRO (REV 3.1)

Speccy Link


Description of problem

My PC would shutdown and restart after a couple of seconds.

When this issue began

8 months ago. It stopped for 2 months with some part changes, but came back.

Recurring issue


Date of purchase


Under Warranty


Cause/Steps to recreate the issue

Use the PC for a week or two. Happens randomly.I was simply watching a 720p video. Nothing stressful.

What I've tried so far to resolve the issue

First, I added 2 fans top for exhaust, and one another in front for intake. The problem did not get fixed at all.So I RMA'd the GPU because it seems to not crash with my backup 780 Ti. However, the new 980Ti still had the problem.Next, I RMA'd the PSU. The problem went away for 2 months I believe.Then it started happening again 2 weeks ago. This is the second time that happened.

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 01:20PM by hieagie


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