lost LUKS passphrase, recovering it from a reformatted live usb stick?


somebody I know created a live usb stick on the wrong usb (/dev/sda instead of /dev/sdb) and now I have my data of the last 10 years behind several passphrases (4 hdd, 4 passphrases). Passphrases were originally in a regular txt file I used to access with geany, no encrypted, but after having formatted it to create a live usb I dont think the data is recoverable. I know the text file in which the passphrases are includes the words 'toshiba' and 'ortg'. I know the file is located at /Basic/al or /basic/al. A friend tried to find the file with bless http://ift.tt/2iKmp7h but found nothing...

maybe you can help?


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 01:02PM by cccbig http://ift.tt/2elpENf


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