Blue and green lines are appearing on my screen and resulting in my computer freezing (I just built this pc a few days ago)

So, I just built a pc, and yesterday I was playing pubg for a few hours, then when I was done playing, green and blue lines appeared on the monitor, and my computer froze. I restarted computer, but once it loaded up, the blue and green lines appaeared right away and the computer froze. I forced it off with the power button, then turned it back on, and managed to type in my password and get to the homescreen, then for some reason I opened task manager, but right after doing it, the blue and green lines appeared, then the screen went black, went back to the homescreen with green and blue lines, then it went black again, but the task manager tab appeared over the black screen, and it said it wasn't responding, so I just turned the pc off, and asked for help on pcmasterrace and buildapc (I forgot about this subreddit), then I went to bed.

Today, I realized I made a huge mistake when building my first pc. I accidently put two fans into he case that were facing outwards, so it was blowing air out instead of in, so my pc could've been overheating.

I just put the fans in the place they should be in, and I took my graphics card out and put it back into its original place, then turned my computer on, but it is still having the green and blue lines appear on my monitor, along with it freezing. I took this picture of it occuring from today when I tried to turn it on

[This is my build](finished part list for now

I think my lack of cooling in the computer resulted in the graphics card overheating, and somehow ruining it, which is messing up its display. Would that be a good assumption to make, and I should replace my gtx 1060, or could the problem be something else?

Thanks for the help!

EDIT: When my pc was turning on, I went to boot options before it loaded windows 10, and in the boot options, I had no problems whatsoever, but once I exited out of boot options and went back to windows 10, it started happening.

Submitted September 01, 2017 at 05:45AM by TheFrogMan1


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