My PC is dying / getting superslow
With your help I hope to find out where the problem is, as I dont want to buy a complete new one.
My specs:
I know not the newest rig but it should still work decently for most games and especially browsing etc. should not be any problem.
It is always slow but sometimes it spikes hard where it feels like my PC aint doing shit for 2sec. Gaming, asides from league which runs pretty ok is not enjoyable at all. But the performance is so bad that even browsing is not enjoyable at all.
Since Im a very active gamer my PC was running alot those 4 and a half years. Especially the last 1 and a half year it was running pretty much 24/7 with black desert online always running in the background.
What did I try so far?
All drivers are updated
Temperatures are good
Everything inside is clean
Memtest done, no problem
Prime95 test done, blue screen after 35 mins (Im not sure which of those 3 tests, I guees the one which focuses on cpu)
SSD s.m.a.r.t. test by crucial's own software done, no problem
Furmark to test graphic, I dont rly remember what the result was but I dont consider my graphiccard as the problem as everything is lagging
Tweaked nvidia setting to full performance, no change at all
All games to lowest possible graphics, no change at all
Upgraded win7 pro to win 10 pro, no change at all
What I didnt try yet:
Fresh windows install with wiping everything.
No idea how to test if the mainboard and the "power supply thingy" works (not sure whats the correct english term is)
My guees:
CPU. Since it failed prime95 test after only 35mins or one of those 2 things I didnt test. Also I need to upgrade my RAM to atleast another 8 GB.
Any suggestions and opinions are welcome
Submitted August 31, 2017 at 06:27PM by bdoislife
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