IE11/Windows 10: Windows Security Login Dialogue Box Opens Behind Browser
Hi All,
We are having an issue with IE11 on Windows 10 where when visiting pages that prompt a windows security dialogue box requesting a username and password, that dialogue box opens up in the background, behind the browser window. This is causing confusion for users as they are seeing only a blank page, and nothing notifying them that there is a dialogue box open prompting them for credentials. Only after minimizing their browser do they see the dialogue box. Has anyone come across this or have any possible solutions? Works as expected in Edge and other browsers, however some of these portals we utilize recommend IE for best experience unfortunately.
My machine where I am able to replicate:
64 Bit Windows 10 Pro on MS Surface
IE11 Version: 11.540.15063.0
Update Versions: 11.0.45 (KB4034733)
Many thanks!
Submitted August 30, 2017 at 10:17PM by TANK926
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