My Graphics Card Has Plummeted in Quality

Sorry, I don't really know where to post this other than here. What feels like an overnight thing, 2 weeks ago my graphics card stopped performing well. It's a Gigabyte Radeon TX RX 560, and was working really well up until now.

Since it's stopped performing well, Photoshop can't use lighting effects as it cannot find sufficient GPU, Premiere Pro's playback is off, even when rendered, and games like Far Cry 3 and Resident Evil 7 are 15-20FPS at their lowest settings, especially the former.

Also, another important thing I just remembered is that I can't play HDMI through the video card - only VGA through the motherboard now, so maybe that helps decide what's wrong.

I had a friend who helped me build the PC come by and see if he could do anything, but after disconnecting it, cleaning it up and looking for drivers to update/reinstall it, nothing changed. My girlfriend accidentally tripped over and knocked the PC over a few weeks ago, so I believe that may have been the likely cause, but that was a week before a nosedive in performance.

If anyone has any troubleshooting it'd be much appreciated, as I don't know if it's the card itself, or maybe I knocked the motherboard and something that is in relation to the graphics card. I reckon that if it's unfixable I'll likely invest in the same or a new graphics card, but idk, I'll see what happens.

If anyone needs more details I can try to give them.

Submitted May 17, 2018 at 09:24PM by Luxurosis


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