Alright where do I start o this issue,
Yesterday I made a post that adressed the issue of my N key ot workig, so let me go ito a little more detail to see if ayoe else has a idea of what to do.
Firstly, the uppercase N key works, but the lowercase does Not work.
The oNscreeN keyboard also does ot let the N key fuctioN properly.
It is ot a physical issue prevetig me from typig.
I am usig a desktop keyboard, ad have tried usig other keyboards.
I also have uistalled the keyboard drivers ad updated them. It still doest work.
The keyboard is also i the correct laguage settigs
I am completely lost ad I thiNk I have oe of the weirdest OS issues I have ever seeN.
Hopefully someoNe caN help,
Submitted May 17, 2018 at 12:33AM by sylosytax
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