Getting lots of timeouts on various browsers on various devices for working websites

I'm getting a lot of timeouts recently to various websites, and it is not connected to a specific device or browser. I know the websites are online because tools like report the various websites I've been getting timeouts from being up, and I don't see people complaining online.

Restarting the router does not help. I tried switching the dns on my laptop to see if that fixed anything. It didn't. I tried google's dns and cloudflare's dns( and

EDIT: What I find strange is that pinging it does work and does not show abnormal latencies. E.G. I might not be able to access sourceforge, or go to any on any device's browser, but I can ping the servers just fine with normal latencies.

I'm looking for a way to find the problem and solve it. I have no idea where to start.

Submitted May 18, 2018 at 06:36PM by pm_me-your_tits-plz


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