Turbo Boost not working, and only 2 cores functioning on a 6700k?

Games like CSGO and Overwatch are considerably choking (40-60% fps drops) more than they used to over the last 2-3 days, and upon checking performance stats seem to be eating up tons of CPU, from around 70-90%, where it used to take up only 20-30% at max (On a 6700k). I have also reinstalled GPU drivers, (GTX 1080) which made no discernable difference. I think this may be due to the new windows update, which I noticed made alt tabbing in and out of games take far longer than it used to. Then, a huge breakthrough. After scanning through all my stats, I discovered two things. https://imgur.com/a/UXTYeZP It says that I only have 2 cores, with 4 logic cores, although the 6700k is a quad core CPU, and I am absolutely certain that it has been running at 4 cores/8 logical cores previously. The other thing, is that it has not been turbo boosting at all, and stays at a constant 4.01GHz all the time. This is super weird, and I don't really understand what is happening here. I probably need some new drivers or something, but can't find any that seem to be what I need. Thanks.

RESOLVED: go to "System Configuration > Services > Advanced Options > deselect "Number of processors" Sorry about the fuss. Hopefully this solves the problem for anyone else!

Submitted May 17, 2018 at 01:15PM by stingyryy156 https://ift.tt/2Kyn98C


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