Windows 10 install USB detected but not booting

Operating System

Windows 10

Computer Specs (PSU, GPU, CPU, RAM, Motherboard)

CPU: i5-2,500k 3.3Ghz // RAM: 16GB // GPU: GeForce1070 // MotherBoard: ASUS P8P67 rev 3.1 // HD: Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250GB

Description of problem

I am trying to install windows 10 onto my system(I previously had it installed, but un-installed it inorder to try out linux). I have created a bootable USB with a windows 10 64bit ISO. When I restart my computer I enter bios and the USB is shown in the boot order. I place it at the front of the boot order and restart. The USB will not boot, and I get no indication that it has tried to boot. The system simply boots the next bootable device in the boot order. If I remove all other devices from the boot order then after restarting it simply opens the bios menu. If I manually pick it from boot override it goes to a black screen for a second then returns to the bios. For some reason it does not either recognize it as bootable, or fails to boot for some reason. Is there a setting I am missing? I do the same steps for a linux USB and it works fine. I have installed on this computer before with a USB, Windows 10 a few years ago, and linux recently. I do not have a DVD drive to try a DVD install.

When this issue began

After removing windows and installing various linux distros

Recurring issue


Under Warranty


Cause/Steps to recreate the issue

Unknown cause. Only major changes I've made recently have been to install 3 linux distros(one at a time) LXLE, Ubuntu, and Mint. All of which have been removed from the drive now.

What I've tried so far to resolve the issue

Tried various formats for the Windows 10 install USB including: Fat32 and NTFS file systems, GPT, MBR for UEFI and MBR for BIOS, Tried clearing all linux partitions from the drive leaving only free space. Tried setting BIOS to defaults. Tried Creating an empty NTFS partition on the drive. Tried different USBs Tried creating the bootable USB with different tools, rufus on windows and WoeUSB on ubuntu.

I'm not particularly knowledgeable when it comes to BIOS and Boot systems and such so I don't even know what to try next.

Submitted December 31, 2017 at 09:04AM by alphaspec


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