Everytime when my laptop starts up and is unable to connect to the internet, the next time I turn on laptop I'll get a blue screen of death, help? Windows 8

So basically whenever I turn on my laptop I'm playing a lottery, sometimes it'll have no problem connecting to the internet (I'm using wifi) but when the times I do try to connect and I'm unable to, I can't do much, even if I troubleshoot and it fixes, next time I restart laptop I get a blue screen of death, says DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION but in the dmp it's just blank. The filename that causes the error is hal.dll

Anyone have a solution? Unsure how to make it so my wifi always works, rather than 50/50 if it does work or not on startup

*So when I'm unable to connect, its the regular unable to connect to any wifi for going on any browser, the little dinosaur pops up for chrome, but on Performance on task manager it shows I'm connected

Also I'm using a guest login on my windows 8 laptop, would prefer not to swap over to admin account

Submitted January 01, 2018 at 06:19AM by garbagekiddodoe http://ift.tt/2q8LADU


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