No beep, no post, no display

Overnight, my 3-year-old computer (self-built) doesn't "start". No USB connections work (i.e no light on the keyboard, no charging various things), nor do the monitors detect the computer - they'll go into powersaving mode once turned on and say there's no connection (both HDMI and VGA).

When turned on, the fans start and everything sounds normal, but the display is blank and no USB connections work. There is a blue light on the front of my case that normally remains on when the computer is on, this light is blinking.

I've tested both monitors and all USB devices - they work, so I think it's fairly obvious that this is a mobo/psu failure (with a slight possibility of CPU). There is no GPU in this machine as it was used primarily for light photo editing and work.

I've unseated the RAM, taken a can of compressed air to the computer to remove dust, etc, to no avail. I've also disconnected the computer from power and held the power button for 1 minute (was a suggestion I've read when googling).

Is there any way I can test to see if this is the PSU or the mobo? I could not detect any obvious issues with the mobo (eg. corrosion). I have no other computer with which I can test each component on.

I don't think this is an issue with the SSD, as that wouldn't explain the USB connection issues and the computer would still boot into bios if it were the SSD. Speaking of which, I have a laptop I now need to make my primary computer, can I just buy a SATA to USB connection to transfer any programs I need over from the old SSD (mx300)?

Submitted December 31, 2017 at 09:30PM by chochotaco


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