[SOLVED] Can't boot. No video on boot, BOOT LED green on motherboard. Asus z370i, intel 8700k.

I figured this out, but wanted to post it here so in case someone else has the same issue. I have an Asus z370-i gaming mobo with an intel 8700k cpu. I turned it on this morning, and there was no video on the monitor. When I popped the side panel, I saw that the BOOT LED on the mobo was green. That was odd, since there are 2 valid bootable drives in the box. Tried reseating everything, also cleared the BIOS via jumper, no luck. Finally, I pulled the GPU out entirely and plugged my monitor in via HDMI to the mobo, and it booted up. I went into the BIOS and reset to default, then saved and shut it down. Plugged the GPU back in and unplugged the hdmi, and everything was back to normal.

Submitted January 01, 2018 at 01:42AM by dronf http://ift.tt/2q4N56m


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