Cleaning a Matte Black Laptop case
Hi all!
I’ve got a Dell Inspiron Gaming laptop (I’m on mobile, so apologies for the formatting [if it’s messed up] but here’s a link for ya: laptop )
It’s got it’s fair share of problems, but here’s a non-tech tech-support question: the matte black case looks cool, but not with fingerprints. How do I clean long-lasting stains from hand-oils or grease or whatever they are?
For a little more context: while it’s clear that new fingerprints can be cleaned with a microfiber cloth, the ones that have been around for a while cannot, and as a result, I’ve got these massive discolorations (still matte black, looks the same as fingerprints) over the areas where I open/close the laptop and especially over the area I grab when pulling it out of my bag. Unfortunately, I’m not near the laptop at the moment, so I can’t attach pictures, but I’ll edit some in as soon as I can.
So tl;dr : how do you clean stains off a matte black computer case and how do you know which products/chemicals/methods will be safe?
Thanks for the help!
Submitted December 31, 2017 at 01:44AM by EarthenEclipse
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