Restoring windows 8.1 to factory settings WITHOUT recovery partition in a laptop?

I'll try to be brief: I have a laptop. I want to give it away but first I need to reset it to factory. Laptop had its main drive replaced because it was physically damaged and dedicated recovery partition from Lenovo was unreadable so it was deleted. I tried creating bootable usb with many windows 8.1 versions (windows 8.1, windows 8.1 N, windows 8.1 single language etc), none of which worked, the only thing windows had to say about it was that "this product key won't work with this version of windows". Since it's a laptop it runs windows 8.1 oem version (obviously) and it won't accept the key I extracted from it (using powershell). At this point I'm helpless and I really, really hate this idiotic mess known as windows and I humbly as for any help. Please do not give me any tips about upgrading it to windows 10 and restoring it to factory settings in the process, I want to keep 8.1

Submitted December 30, 2017 at 11:51PM by D-inkleberg


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