Second monitor stays in sleep mode after brief power outage


-Windows 10

-nVidia GTX 960

-Two monitors connected - one through HDMI, the second through an HDMI-to-Display Port adapter


-Both monitors working properly, playing WoW while watching a Twitch stream

-Circuit breaker tripped in the room the PC is connected

-PC powers back on and only the HDMI monitor is working correctly

-Second monitor stays in 'sleep' mode

-Power cycled PC, same symptoms occur

-Updated display drivers through the nVidia website, same symptoms occur (this procedure included removing the original drivers and installing new ones, as well as two additional power cycles of the PC)

-Swapped the display cables in the back of the monitors; 'sleeping' monitor displayed properly. Issue followed the cable.

I think that the HDMI to DisplayPort adapter may be faulty and was likely damaged by the power outage. This is curious to me because my PC is behind a surge protector. I want to make sure that there are no other troubleshooting steps that I should follow before I go spending money to replace any hardware.

Edit - I'm bad at formatting on Reddit.

Submitted October 01, 2017 at 03:19AM by Winfinity


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