Lenovo X1 Carbon users: would you mind sharing a System Information Report that I can use to compare against an X1 I may buy off Craigslist? [x-post /r/Lenovo]

A System Information Report contains all specs of your machine and is exported as a .txt file. I plan on running a System Report on the X1 I may buy and comparing it to the report you give me.

How to generate a System Information Report:

  1. Open the System Information app (search "msinfo32" or "System Information" in start menu)
  2. Select "System Summary" to include all data
  3. File > Export
  4. Copy text as a comment here or screenshot or Pastebin, any method is fine

The seller claims that it's 100% brand new but is it selling for over 30% below MSRP. I am primarily focused on ensuring that the SSD, CPU, GPU, display and battery are all original and that the battery cycle count is low.

Be sure to check for any personal info in the report (e.g. your computer name, how much storage you've used, etc.) that you may not want to share.

Thank you!

Submitted September 29, 2017 at 08:58PM by ceptionin http://ift.tt/2x317bO


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