Chevolume has spotify listed four times and refuses to change it's audio device

I don't know what other program to use. I desperately want to be able to have per program audio device assignments, as in spotify comes out of the speakers and everything else comes out of the tv. The only two programs i have found that can do this are CheVolume and AudioRouter.

Only CheVolume remembers your settings on reboot, audiorouter does not. I'd love to use another program if anyone has any suggestions. Otherwise i really dont know how to fix CheVolume

edit: spotify separates into multiple processes like chrome apparently. Still i have no idea how to make CheVolume work reliably. I absolutely need a program which retains settings after reboot. Audiorouter works really well but doesnt save settings

Submitted September 30, 2017 at 05:15AM by jazir5


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