Hi there, guys. So, there's an issue with a machine purchased secondhand. Before purchasing, i confirmed with the seller that the machine works. But, after i recieved it, i'm running into a bit of an error.
The machine boots, but the message above is displayed. Pressing f10, f2, delete does not work. Pressing fn+f2, fn+f10, fn+delete does not work.
I do get a small electronic click from inside the machine when i press some keys. The f2 and f10 keys do not click, however alt+f2, alt+f10 do click.
After trying 2 different keyboards i am a bit lost on what to do next. I sent a message to the seller asking what was done to the machine. As far as I know, the only thing done was resetting windows. I have screenshots of windows running on this machine.
What can I do to resolve this issue?
Submitted December 01, 2017 at 01:31AM by okraHD
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