A Visual Guide to my Computer dying

Ive included my problems in an imgur album, i took screenshots along the way as over the course of a day my computer turned into a practically unusable mess. http://ift.tt/2inYcEq

Im thinking that either my Ethernet connection is corrupted somehow, or maybe my motherboard got fried (we had a pretty windy storm while my computer was on, but no power surges/outages that I know of)

One thing i couldn't get pictures of was the graphical glitches I was getting while using integrated graphics, my screen would intermittently go black and sometimes the entire screen would "shake" up and down rapidly until the screen went black again and the image would go back to normal. When i started up memtest my screen started flashing much more than before and I saw white flecks (a bit like static on a slightly worn VHS tape) but then the screen went black for about 30 seconds and now it seems fine.

Submitted November 30, 2017 at 09:34AM by Ptbird1 http://ift.tt/2Ao13UF


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