PC desktop screen flickers between on and a black screen every half second after powering on. Only task manager will work properly.

I have a Windows 10 PC. When I power it on, I reach the login screen just fine, but once I log in.

The desktop flickers between being on and black about every half second. It seems like when it flicks to black, everything just gets reset. I can open the task manager and that works correctly without flickering, but nothing else works. Here is a gif of what it looks like: http://ift.tt/2k9DWXC

The closest thing I can find to what is happening to my computer is this Microsoft support ticket, which seems to suggest that I have a new app that is causing a problem, but I've deleted all the new programs I've downloaded in the last couple days and what's left is just some videogames on steam that had been updated a week ago and caused no problems then.


I can't even run an antivirus scan. If I open in safe mode, MalwareBytes won't run (it crashed the first time I got it open and hasn't been working since) and Windows Defender won't allow me to open in safe mode. Not sure what to do. I'm a hair's breadth away from just trying to reinstall Windows, but it's kinda a hassle and I feel like this shouldn't be a big a problem as it is. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Submitted November 30, 2017 at 03:38AM by kyle2143 http://ift.tt/2k8cEk9


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