Xbox One controller not working on PC, blinking when plugged in to Windows 10 PC

Okay, so I've been using my black Xbox One controller on my machine for a while, but when I synced it back up to my Xbox, then tried to go back and plug it in to my PC, it lights up, and then the home button blinks. I read that I could go to the device manager, find the controller, and then update the driver, but it's not even appearing there. When I go to the "Device and Printers" app, it shows the two different controllers I've used on it. It says the one I'm using is disconnected. (So is the other one) I've tried putting batteries in, then connecting it, but it doesn't work. Can anyone help? I have also tried unplugging the Xbox One, to see if it stop trying to sync to it, as I think that's what's going on.

Submitted April 29, 2018 at 08:59PM by BackToTheFuture4Life


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