Cpu getting to 100c and cool's off only when in sleep mode

Hi guys

Recenly iv been playin ac origins on my pc without any issues, but few days ago it started to perform badly, i checked the temps and the cpu went to 100c and gpu 60-70c. I'v changed the thermal paste, and the temps went back to 35c.

Now when i turn on pc, its on 35-40c, but in about half hour will go to 85-93c...

Here's a photo of my current cooling fan before changing paste;


Yea its dusty i know. It was my first time changing thermal paste and i didnt want to damage the parts...

If ill clean the dust could it fix it? Should i buy a new cooling/liquid cooling and throw the corrent one?

What is my best solution here? Thank you.

Here's my specs: Gtx 970 I5 4430 8gb ram Windows 10

Submitted April 29, 2018 at 03:27PM by michaelovsky5 https://ift.tt/2rbUSg2


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