Web pages not loading (Specific problem in post)

I have an IPad Pro and have a weird problem when loading web sites via WiFi. It randomly refuses to load websites (safari and chrome do same) just hangs and eventually fails saying connection problem. However, I can instantly make it load the given site by forcing the browser to close and reopening it and 99% of the time the page loads instantly. If it was a connection issue why can I guarantee loading the page with this method. This hanging loading bs is happening every few minutes sometimes- - close browser, reopen and bang works perfect then fails randomly soon after. Is it a router setting problem or something? I have BT Infnity in UK.

I have zero issues on my desktop PC which is Ethernet connected.

It is driving me insane. Thanks for any help.

Submitted April 29, 2018 at 04:11AM by TillerMaN99 https://ift.tt/2je2WsQ


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