Is there a way to track activity on a word google doc?

I missed class last week due to illness, but sent my completed study guide to my professor so that I could still get credit for the assignment. I’m currently at work on a standby, so I went to the email I sent her to review the document as I have an exam on it tomorrow. When I went to do so, I realized I accidentally sent her the assignment instructions which I had downloaded onto my desktop, and not my completed assignment which I had also saved to my desktop. I just emailed her explaining the situation, but i’m wondering if there’s a way on google docs to show what I contributed to it and when so that she can see it was completed before the due date and that I’m not just trying to pull a fast one on her. Any insight would be appreciated!

Submitted April 29, 2018 at 08:02PM by Incendiomf


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