Something is using my computer to upload things
im running windows 1709, ive had it set to metered connection to avoid unwanted updates
i havent been able to play any online video games since windows last updated because my latency spikes up to 1000+ ms every minute or so
this is the same thing that happens whenever i upload a picture to send to someone so i know something is uploading things
i know it must be my computer because ive changed the wifi password and not told the new one to anyone
i think it's almost definitely windows but it could be a keylogger
windows data usage shows cortana and the windows store using up 5-6 mb of data even though i use neither
it doesnt have to be a large amount of data to cause lag spikes
i dont know what to do, closing cortana and the windows store via task manager doesnt work because they immediately start back up
im pretty sure ive disabled all the data collection bs in my privacy settings
pls help
Submitted April 30, 2018 at 04:50PM by daufaifdsdvsv
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