Recommendations for free/cheap IT ticketing platform?

Me and a friend have picked up a moonlighting thing providing tech support for a local company, and the influx of requests are looking like they warrant a ticketing system. I know this isn't technically within the domain of this sub, but it seems like something that the people who frequent here would know.

Do you have any recommendations for free and/or cheap ticketing systems? Jira (cloud or self-host) is $10/m for 3 or less agents, Zendesk is $5/agent/month, Spiceworks was unimpressive when I used it before...

An ideal ticketing system would allow us to log hours worked (and then report on those hours later for billing purposes), would be relatively cheap, and have a simple interface for not-agents to use. Email parsing into a ticket submission a nice bonus but not necessary.

I would prefer something on the cheap and or free side of things. Self-hosting isn't an issue, I have webspace and can set up whatever I need to.

Submitted January 30, 2018 at 12:23PM by FaxCelestis


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