Multiple BSOD during gaming

As the title implies I have been having issues with BSOD's while playing games. The BSOD happens only toward the end of a match ( such as in Fortnite when going from game to main menu ) or when switching from one game to another ( such as going from Fortnite to Overwatch ). The BSOD stop codes that I have seen are :

Memory Management

Kernel Security Check Fail

Pool Corruption In File Area

I am running a: i7 - 7700k, GTX 1070, 16 GB DDR4 3000 MHz Ram, Antec TP 750 PSU

If there is any other important information that I can provide please let me know.

Speccy Snapshot:

Memtest Report:

Submitted January 30, 2018 at 09:58PM by redx91


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