Possible Apple ID e-mail scam? (Desc for info)

So i got a mail today from "apple" saying that my email was used to login to my apple ID from india bangladesh. But the thing is that i've had apple once, like 6/7 years ago, (never again after) The email that was used (mine) was all correct with capitals etc. The "apple" mail did not mention it was a succesfull or failed login. But it did say my apple account has been disabled for 12 hours on 31st of january, but the strange thing is that on "32 january" my apple ID account would be permanently blocked. It did have a website link inside, but i didnt click on it and i deleted the e-mail.

Please let me know if this is real of fake

Submitted February 01, 2018 at 03:54AM by CrazyKripple1 http://ift.tt/2ErvMzG


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