Phone Memory card corrupted

So I have a Sony Xperia c4 and just had a update available to android 6.0 marshmallow few days ago so I downloaded and installed it . Right after the installation was done it shows me that my memory card is corrupted. All my data in the card was gone I had like 3.5k files (pics/vids/music) and only 600 left cause it was saved on internal memory for some reason . I tried plugging the phone to my laptop with USB cable to check on laptop but it doesn't even show up the phone on laptop now (it used to easily show phones memory on laptop before by jus plugging the USB in laptop and phone before the android update) So now I don't know what to do, on my phone there's a notification saying fix corrupted card : format it or something.

Anybody knows if I can recover my data still from the phone??

Submitted January 31, 2018 at 06:45PM by xrubalx


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