PC Randomly reboots itself without warning or error codes/bluescreen
Over a month ago now I started having an issue where my PC would reboot itself without warning. There would be no Bluescreen or error logs in the windows event viewer. My first thought was that it was the power supply, so i replaced that, and decided to use the opportunity to do an upgrade as well. I ended up replacing the psu, motherboard, cpu, cpu cooler and case. The only things i am using from before the upgrade were the GPU and SSD. Since then I have had the issue again. After searching around online and asking a few people on the internet I came to the conclusion that my new PSU is faulty, so i returned it and got another a different one. Again, i had the issue, so i switched out the SSD for an old HDD I had to see if that was the problem but it wasn't. Did the same with the GPU, it worked fine for a few hours last night, but today I have had the issue again.
I have used the PC in a couple of different locations around the house, with a couple of different power cables. Both using an extension and not using one etc.
Currently my pc is entirely new components from when the problem started, with a completely fresh install of windows and all drivers. It still reboots itself without warning, and doesn't leave any logs in event viewer relevant to the issue, and doens't bluescreen even with "auto restart" disabled.
I am completely baffled and have no idea what could be causing the issue. Without any error logs i can't piunpoint the issue, and i don't understand how the issue can still exist when I have changed out everything.
Submitted June 29, 2017 at 10:45PM by Hoshiwara http://ift.tt/2srnIYe
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