Is it possible for my ISP to screw with the amount of data making it hard to stream will still showing high download and upload speeds when tested?

Here's the scenario... I have suddenlink with up to 100mbps down/25mbps up. When I run a Wi-Fi ookla speed test I get 99.03 down and 21.5 up with a 9ms ping. In theory, this looks great.

When I try to stream a movie or music... Its choppy at best but buffers a lot too. This only happens for. 7:30pm until 9pm-ish mostly. When it gets hung up, I immediately test... Same results.

Are they throttling bandwidth somehow while still showing high speeds so I can't call and tell them they suck?

Submitted June 30, 2017 at 06:55AM by solofatty09


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