desktop suddenly doesn't open ?

I left my pc open for the night. When i woke up i found it closed and thought there might have been a blackout. I tired opening it and it gave no response. Tested the wallplugs for electricity, that wasn't the issue.

So the issue is, my pc doesn't get electricity for some reason, some people said a power surge might have done it, and since its not an old pc, they said the psu probably burnt, but protecting other parts of the case. But the issue is, where i live has a special protection against power surges, we lived here for over 6 years and none of our electronics had any problems. What might be the solution ? what shouldni try ? Its still on warranty on the side note, just wanna try and fix it so that its not a little error over my side.

TL;DR Left pc open over night and morning its shutdown and doesn't recieve any electricity, thus not working/opening.

Submitted June 30, 2017 at 11:49PM by umut121


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