Intel i7 6700k hitting 100% usage while streaming/gaming even on lowest settings. FPS drop in game is unplayable. Any ideas what may cause this?

I'll start with my spec list and then I'll explain my problem.

Intel Core i7-6700K 4.0GHz Quad Core Processor

ASUS MAXIUM VIII Hero Motherboard

Samsung 850 Series EVO 250 GB SSD

Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB drive

Crucial 16 GB DDR4 memory

Geforce GTX 1060 Founder's Edition graphics card

EVGA 500W Power supply

NZXT S340 Blue tower

My CPU is reaching such high loads while playing just about any game and using OBS - I've tried every combination of OBS settings imaginable, using all three encoder types and changing presets/bitrates, and nothing works. In game, I try the lowest possible settings and it still won't work. I get horrible in game FPS drops that make just about anything absolutely unplayable.

On this rig, it seems like something isn't right here if i can't even stream Overwatch, Titanfall 2 or Lawbreakers at 720p30.

My CPU was reaching dangerously high temps at one point using the Intel stock CPU fan, and I recently installed a nice Noctua fan to fix that problem. Even with the new CPU fan installed, I'm having these problems.

My friend who knows a bit about computers mentioned that my power supply might be inadequate for my system. Would this cause the problems I am having? Or maybe my RAM is a cheap brand that isn't working with my mobo?

I'm really at a loss here and it's incredibly frustrating. I'm looking at upgrading to a Threadripper when that drops, or building a second dedicated streaming PC, just to solve these problems. I have a gut feeling, however, that my rig should be performing better than this and I can't figure out why.

If anyone has an idea, help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

edit - in most cases, i can record without trouble or in game FPS drops. As soon as I switch to streaming to Twitch, however, the game becomes unplayable.

Submitted June 30, 2017 at 02:02PM by MoarGhosts


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