Randomly flashing mystery window

I've recently noticed some kind of window opening and closing really fast every so often. I'm either browsing, watching something on fullscreen mode with MPC-HC or playing Overwatch. In the first case I see the outline of a window appear and disappear in a flash, but I don't get to see what it is. When whatching video, I get a flash of the desktop and an orange something on the taskbar, but it quickly goes back to MPC-HC and even if I step out of it there's nothing in the taskbar anymore. When playing it takes the computer a bit more to change focus, so I just get a second of lag and I'm back on the game.

I tried checking the even log, but I don't have the slightest idea of how does it work or even if it might do what I tought it does. So I'm open to suggestions.

Submitted May 31, 2017 at 07:20PM by mkdabra http://ift.tt/2qAUycU


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