File Vanishing

MS Office 2013. Both computers Windows10. Two users working in Excel, they each have the same document open and are editing it, they have Share Workbook enabled to allow both to make changes and save them. File type 'Excel 97-2003 workbook'. File is stored on a network share. Randomly while working, one of them goes to hit save and all of a sudden the file is gone and it closes from the other user's screen. The user who hit save just gets a an error saying the file no longer exists\is not at the location. This has happened two times regarding two different documents.

It is not virus related, the files are not hidden, and they are not seen as unsaved documents so it not possible to recover them. I have not been able to re create the issue in a controlled test document.

Anyone have any idea's on the cause?

Submitted May 31, 2017 at 10:20PM by anonymous9a


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