USB Hard Drive slow to mount, slow to read
I have a 1tb USB 3.0 Samsung Drive that’s less than a year old - recently its started acting odd -
When I plug it into Windows it’s takes at least 5/6 minutes to mount - I see the drive after a minute or so; just the icon no drive size or name, the green progress bar slowly creeps along and once the bars full I get the name/label etc and I can access the drive
I’m trying to copy 5gb of files to the desktop and i’m getting speeds of 100-200kb max - it kicks up he odd ‘file unavailable’ error which I usually skip but I don’t want to skip all because some of the files may be ones I need
I’ve ran chkdsk /r and checkdisk p/ - it only came up with 8kb in bad sectors
I’ve tried plugging it into a Mac to try First Aid but it doesn’t show in Disk Utility
I’ve tried a different cable to no avail
If anyone has any suggestions I would be eternally grsteful
Submitted April 01, 2018 at 01:05AM by davesewell
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