After hard-reboot, windows takes forever to start up, keeps freezing every few seconds, and all text is missing.

Hi, I left my computer running for about a week since I needed to convert several videos, and I finally restarted it the other night, due to performance problems while trying to play Left4Dead 2. While playing L4D, the PC started stuttering really badly, and eventually, explorer totally froze, and my desktop turned all white for a second. Finally, the game froze, and so did every other running app on the PC, but I was still able to move my mouse. I had to perform a hard-shutdown. This morning, I turned it on, and it froze for a while on the Windows 10 screen with the spinning loading circle. It took about 30-40 minutes, but the login screen showed up. It took about 10 more minutes to login, but now the operating system it practically unusable. Everything's executing very slowly, it freezes (including mouse movement) every few seconds, and worst of all, all of the text is gone. Desktop icons, window titles, right click menus, even task manager isn't showing any text, just blank interface windows. I don't know what to do, as trying to reset the PC using built-in diagnostic tools fails, and I kind of need to use it again by Monday, as I have class assignments I need to work on. Any advice for this very specific issue?

Submitted April 01, 2018 at 05:48AM by nikumarucounter


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