Someone has hijacked my t.v. and sound bar in appartment

Someone in my condo has hijacked my t.v. and sound somehow last night at 2am, they woke me and my SO out if a dead sleep by playing porn on speakers(which was off) and when we tried to turn the volume down and turn on Bluetooth they kept fighting with us somehow by cranking it up higher and turning it back on . We just pulled the plug in frustration. In the morning when we were watching the news it has happened again where porn was broadcasted in our living room via speakers and luckily I was able to deny the request on my tv this time but not sure how to stop it from happening in the future.

We have a 7 series Samsung tv paired with a HW-K430 speaker bar.

Submitted March 31, 2018 at 10:34PM by RStiltskins


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