TAG Bulletin: Q3 2020

This bulletin includes coordinated influence operation campaigns terminated on our platforms in July of 2020. We will continue to update this bulletin with data from Q3 as it becomes available. It was last updated on Sept 15, 2020.


We terminated 1 advertising account and 7 YouTube channels as part of our actions against a coordinated influence operation linked to Ecuador. The campaign was linked to the PR firm Estraterra, and posted content in Spanish about former Ecuador government employees. These findings are consistent with similar findings reported by Facebook.

We terminated 299 YouTube channels as part of our ongoing investigation into coordinated influence operations linked to China. These channels mostly uploaded spammy content in Chinese about music, entertainment, and lifestyle. A very small subset uploaded content in Chinese about COVID-19 and current events in Hong Kong. These findings are consistent with our previous reports in the Q2 TAG bulletin.

by Shane HuntleyThreat Analysis Group via The Keyword


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