Your guide to user-generated content

User comments are a great way to drive discussion and engagement around articles. But if a publisher wants to run ads on pages where user comments appear, all of the content on those pages — including comments — must follow our Publisher Policies. Publishers are responsible for ensuring that comment sections, forums, social media postings or anything else that users generate on their site or app are compliant with our Program Policies. This content is also subject to our Publisher Restrictions.

To help publishers manage user-generated content (UGC), we’re sharing a new infographic and troubleshooter with important information, like what to consider before incorporating UGC and helpful management strategies.

Check out the infographic below, and download or bookmark it for easy reference.

This is an image of the first section of the infographic. There is a decision tree if there will be a user generated content or not. Exact same information that is in this image can be found via downloading the infographic.
second part of the infographic with 6 blue and white bullets explaining how a publisher can monitor the user generated content to stay policy compliant At the bottom there are 4 different resources given

by John Brown via The Keyword


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